Room for Mindfulness: How to Design a Peaceful Bedroom


Let’s face it, life unfortunately at times can be full of clutter.

Having an unorganized environment can also decrease productivity and mindful thinking.

The way we feel inside will always reflect the way we live, and influence behavior on the outside.
Here are some peaceful bedroom ideas to help you clear your space, and practice mindfulness in a more peaceful setting.



Meditation Cushion Set



I personally meditate around 15 to 30 minutes a day, and do so of the own privacy of my room. I cannot begin to describe to you the benefits I’ve had with meditating over the past 7 months, but I can tell you it will get rid of all the foggy thoughts, and clear the way for a more compassionate self.

The benefits you can receive from meditating are too many to list, but here’s a few to give you an idea…



The Physical Benefits of Meditation

– Lowers high blood pressure
– Lowers the levels of blood lactate, reducing anxiety attacks
– Decreases tension-related pain, such as, tension headaches, ulcers, insomnia, muscle and joint problems
– Increases serotonin production that improves mood and behavior
– And overall Improves the immune system

The Mental Benefits of Meditation

* Anxiety decreases
* Emotional stability improves
* Creativity increases
* Happiness increases
* Intuition develops
* Gain clarity and peace of mind
* Problems just become smaller

So why not give meditation a try and set up a space for your own bedroom.

Click here to get your own Meditation Cushion Set!



Books for Anxiety & Motivational Posters

They also say it’s good to have 5 inspiring things hanged around your room where it’s visible to you.
From a poster full of positive quotes, to even some pictures or prints of people you look up too.
The reason for this is, you’re subconsciously motivating yourself by placing these images in your head.

You start developing an awareness to a positive influence, whether if it’s a moving quote, or a poster of a role model because you appreciate their characteristics and ideals.


check out some of our moving quotes and framed prints on our site, where we hope you find something that can be moving to you.

I also do recommend you have a mindful and practical book you can always go back too whenever your mind gets fogged up.

the two I recommend are…

1.) The Book of Secrets by Deepak Chopra

“Finding the hidden dimensions in yourself is the only way to fulfill your deepest hunger,” writes bestselling author Deepak Chopra.
He states that all the wisdom and guidance we need for the adventures of life is already present within: all we have to do is tap into this true reality.

What does he mean by this? Chopra explains a few principles:

Your awareness is always open to change. You feel acceptance for all others as your equal. You feel a sense of connection with your source. Your being is cradled in the rhythms of the universe.


If you have a curiosity into exploring the secrets Chopra has to offer,

click here to get a copy of his book!

2.) I Want to be Calm: How to De-Stress by Harriet Griffey

The perfect book if you are, or someone you know is currently dealing with anxiety.

This book will be your guide and go to book whenever you need to practice breathing techniques, or in need for some calming advice.

Not only is it very practical, but it’s an enjoyable short read that you can enjoy at any time.



Bonsai Trees & Indoor Plants

Indoor plants in general are very beneficial for your living space. Not only is it a nice touch to add to your mindful living,

but it also clears the air for a more fresh environment. At night, photosynthesis ceases, and plants typically respire like humans, absorbing oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. This helps keeps your bedroom refreshed on the daily basis.

One indoor plant that I do highly recommend for a more refreshed living space is the Ficus Silk Plant.




If your constantly using your desk for work or any creative projects, I recommend having a Bonsai Tree to add a nice flow to your workspace.



Whenever I come across a writer’s block, or some sort of disturbance where my work becomes stagnate, I’ll like to think of the Bonsai as a friendly reminder of balancing my thoughts.


A great Bonsai Tree is Zen Reflections Juniper Bonsai



Just like the five people you associate the most with, your living space says a lot about the person you are.

Are you minimalistic, or do you like complexity?

Either or, I do personally believe that some of these products can be beneficial towards a more peaceful living.

However, if we want to redesign the way we live, we must first redesign the way we think… that is how we will get the most out of life.


Please note that some of the links below are affiliate links. It will be of no additional cost to you. However, I will earn a commission if you decide to purchase through one of the links. It’s important to understand that these are products and services which I personally have used and have loved. I want to recommend them to you because I thought they would be helpful to you to, not because of the small commission I make if you decide to buy anything through the link.